WordPress Developers – Driving Safety Volunteers

There is a worldwide distracted driving, and walking crisis, that the US NHTSA calls a “deadly epidemic.” This crisis endangers you, your families, employees, and everyone 24/7! ASF, the non-profit organization leader in driving safety research, and development since t988 has international lifesaving IP at carsafe.org. With the help of pro bono developers and volunteers for safety, ASF has maintained carsafe.org since 1996, and is seeking a new developer to update the site for the new year’s. Volunteer applicants, FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS, SENDING DEMOS, AND RESPONDING QUICKLY, ARE OF PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE TO PUBLICSAFETY. So, when responding please be sincere about volunteering and respond to the following including demos:
Here is the list for current work needed.

a. Currently ASF is updating carsafe.org for the new year and seeking demos of increased text spacing could improve readability. This would be a uniform change for the whole site and should not disrupt the current image, or text layout, and site uniformity. Please send demos with your response.

b. The mobile site version header needs to be reduced a bit and may benefit from other small improvements that you may suggest. Please send demo.

c. WordPress engine should be inspected, for any needed tune-up we call, “getting under the hood” to check SEO oil, technical etc.

d. ASF suggests that new developers make a small list of simple changes they think will improve the site, and are willing to perform, and send demos for them. Those that envision, an overall improved look, is asked to send a demo for this, but any changes must always include all current material on the site and is completely optional, and speculative.
e. For developers with marketing skills, there is an optional cause marketing partner opportunity starting @ 20 percent of funds raised from the global marketplace.

f. Can you clone the site to stage your changes and make demos, if so, please proceed with demos on your clone.

g. Due to the importance and urgency of public safety work, ASF requires a US phone number, in the event the developer needs to be quickly contacted (if you do not have one, we may consider non video Zoom).

Be sure to read the above requirement, and note, this is volunteer, pro bono safety work (do not ask for pay), for those with concerns of public safety.

Work from your location and make your own hours and per completion of the work. ASF can furnish a referral letter about a job well done, to help. you obtain other work (including community service required letters).

ASF does require credentials from volunteers that can either be your business web page, or resume. so please include this in your application.

Please be reminded that public safety work must be completed with expedition.

Contact Email: info@carsafe.org
Company Name: Automobile Safety Foundation